
The Metaverse- It’s About Protocols

The Metaverse- It’s About Protocols

Or at least it needs to be! Let's take a quick look at "The Internet" At the lowest levels, TCP/IP, is a way for machines to talk to each other globally. This doesn't seem like a big deal, but it absolutely was game changing. Early computers required you to sit in...

Plugin Ethics- A User Story

In the beginning Google had an ethic, do no harm, then they realized they were a company and decided shareholder value was at odds with that, so they removed it. When you think about it though, it's pretty ridiculous to ask a for profit company to have ethics let...

Facebook’s Desire to Own the Metaverse

I'm always inspired and motivated after listening to Voices of VR podcasts. Kent is extremely intellectual (be prepared to look up new words in your dictionary) and very connected to the VR industry. His focus on non-gaming aspects of the technology is especially...

The Need for Open VR Hardware

"Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat, those that do are doomed to watch others repeat it" In August 1981 IBM did something completely unexpected that solidified the future of personal computing, they introduced the PC. Unlike the products of its time it...