
What’s happening in the world of VR, AR and XR? for NFT Storage for NFT Storage

 From the Pinata Team... " is an app that streamlines the process of uploading unlockable content to share with NFT holders. This app works with Pinata and is available to all Pro Plan users. If you haven't had a chance to explore it yet, we'd love to hear...

Lynx Kickstarter

Lynx Kickstarter

Lynx is about to launch their Kickstarter! Lynx is promising a standalone device that is both VR and AR  capable. The specs look good, but more importantly their vision is compelling "Recpect privacy & Open Ecosystem" This is vital for the VR industry to get past...

WebXR Poly Awards

WebXR Poly Awards

I am convinced that WebXR provides the most hope for a free and open VR ecosystem, so it is great to see a group highlighting the best in WebXR. The WebXR Poly awards were announced, and showcased some interesting projects. Voices of VR has a good summary page with...

IPFS Meet Brave

IPFS Meet Brave

In great news IPFS is now supported in Brave. I switched to Brave about 6 months ago, mostly because I'm interested in privacy (Duh!) but also micro-payments as an alternative to an ad supported web. Definitely interested in trying to host some content here on...

Coronavirus Could Help VR

Coronavirus Could Help VR In today's pandemic driven world, VR offers some hope of returning to a new normal in a lot of ways. CNBC mentioned a number of ways this might happen in their...

VES 2020 Predictions for VR I took the opportunity to watch this 2015 panel predicting the future of VR in 2020. Ouch!, so much has changed I would definitely be interested in what these folks are doing now.

Viveport 6DOF Lite

Exciting news from HTC, Viveport Video now supports 6DOF images. For VR photographers shooting 360 stereo, depth information can be generated by taking the disparity of the two eyes, and generating a greyscale depth map. This map is usually combined with one eye for...

Insta360 Titan According to CreatorUp the Insta360 Titan is shipping (BHphotovideo still lists Titan as preorder) I was able to spend a few minutes with Insta360 Titan at NAB2019. The specs certainly look good, if incremental, improvement...

Realception 6DOF

A common complaint about "live action" camera shot 360 degree imagery is that it's not really VR. This seems a little misguided, certainly there are different levels of virtual reality, and I think there is definitely space in the immersive media field for...