Editor’s Picks

The Metaverse- It’s About Protocols

The Metaverse- It’s About Protocols

Or at least it needs to be! Let's take a quick look at "The Internet" At the lowest levels, TCP/IP, is a way for machines to talk to each other globally. This doesn't seem like a big deal, but it absolutely was game changing. Early computers required you to sit in...

Lynx Kickstarter

Lynx Kickstarter

Lynx is about to launch their Kickstarter! Lynx is promising a standalone device that is both VR and ARĀ  capable. The specs look good, but more importantly their vision is compelling "Recpect privacy & Open Ecosystem" This is vital for the VR industry to get past...

Can VR Photography Be An Expressive Art Form?

Can VR Photography Be An Expressive Art Form?

Can VR photography be a new art form? There is an age old discussion on whether photography is art, now with 360VR photography there is no doubt some who will say that it is NOT art. This is really my goal with this website, to explore what photography will look like...

What Is VR Photography?

What is VR Photography? Simply, it is photography that is meant to be viewed with a VR device like a head mount display (HMD) Technically it is a stereographic, 360 degree photo, generally in an over/under equirectangular format. This exciting new type of photography...

Insta360 Titan

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyCT84MqKy0 According to CreatorUp the Insta360 Titan is shipping (BHphotovideo still lists Titan as preorder) I was able to spend a few minutes with Insta360 Titan at NAB2019. The specs certainly look good, if incremental, improvement...