PTGui Stereo Stitching

PTGui is a well respected panorama stitching tool. However, at the moment it does not provide an “official” way to stitch stereo equirectangulars. There is a way though, it just requires a little extra work. REFERENCES Definitive Video “Stereo...

The Need for Open VR Hardware

“Those who don’t study history are doomed to repeat, those that do are doomed to watch others repeat it” In August 1981 IBM did something completely unexpected that solidified the future of personal computing, they introduced the PC. Unlike the...

Viveport 6DOF Lite

Exciting news from HTC, Viveport Video now supports 6DOF images. For VR photographers shooting 360 stereo, depth information can be generated by taking the disparity of the two eyes, and generating a greyscale depth map. This map is usually combined with one eye for...

UE4 Virtual Production Field Guide

Epic Games (Unreal Engine) has released the Virtual Production Field Guide, which gives a very comprehensive review of the movie/VFX pipeline from a number of different aspects. The guide is fairly generic about individual tools, and is available...

What Is VR Photography?

What is VR Photography? Simply, it is photography that is meant to be viewed with a VR device like a head mount display (HMD) Technically it is a stereographic, 360 degree photo, generally in an over/under equirectangular format. This exciting new type of photography...